Julie Ewington mentors and advises on a wide variety of projects in the visual arts, for individual artists and curators, as well as for art museums and publishers.
She regularly examines higher degrees for Australian universities.
Julie Ewington regularly edits catalogue essays and books for writers and curators.
Recent editing projects include : Deborah Kelly et al, The Book of Creation, Griffith University Art Museum, 2022; Naomi Evans and Carol McGregor -Source Materials, Griffith University Art Museum, 2021-2022; John Clark, The Asian Modern, National Gallery Singapore 2021; Naomi Evans - Elizabeth Newman: Is That a ‘No’?, Griffith University Art Museum, 2020; Luise Guest Half the Sky: Conversations with Women Artists in China, Piper Press, Sydney, 2016
Julie Ewington is an accomplished speaker. She lectures, participates in round-tables and seminars, and is often called on address public gatherings and open exhibitions.
Unpublished papers presented include
‘Tony Tuckson and the vicissitudes of interpretation’, (Leading paper). Art Association of Australia Annual Conference, Wellington, New Zealand, December 2000
‘Tony Tuckson’. Centre for Cross-Cultural Research, Australian National University, Canberra, February 2000
‘Queensland women and creativity’. Lyceum Club Annual National Conference, Brisbane, April 2000
‘Ian Fairweather and Aboriginal art’. Art Forum, Canberra School of Art, Australian National University, Canberra, May 2000
‘The erotics of wearing’. Jewellery and Metalsmiths Group of Australia Biennial Conference, Brisbane, June 2000
‘The future of arts spaces’. Panel discussion (with Elizabeth-Ann MacGregor, Michael Snelling, Jock McQueenie) ‘The parallax perspective: art spaces in the new millennium’, Metro Arts, Brisbane, Aug. 2001
‘What was Australian landscape? The federation period, nationalism and Queensland’. Australian Decorative & Fine Arts Society (Brisbane), Queensland Cultural Centre, Oct., 2001
‘Best practice, export quality and Artlink’. Gold Coast City Art Gallery, Dec.,2001
‘Between worlds’. (Panel with Brook Andrew, Melissa Chiu, Narelle Jubelin, Djon Mundine.) ARCO, Madrid, Feb., 2002
‘The Biennale of Sydney’. Panel with Richard Grayson and Mike Parr, Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney, June 2002
‘Emiko Kasahara in The Biennale of Sydney’, AGNSW, June and August, 2004
‘Margaret Preston, Fiona Hall and the Australian Languages of the flowers, AGNSW, 2005.
Title TBC, Institute of the Arts Annual Lecture in Art History, Australian National University, October 2006
To contact Julie in regards to speaking, mentoring or editing please click here